Euphoria of Preparation Field Officers Economic Census 2016 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Trenggalek Regency

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Euphoria of Preparation Field Officers Economic Census 2016

Euphoria of Preparation Field Officers Economic Census 2016

April 11, 2016 | BPS Activities

TRENGGALEK - The third wave of training Counting Officers (PCL) and Field Supervisor (PML) Economic Census (SE) in 2016 organized by the Central Bureau of Statistics Psychology (BPS) is underway. Its plan of training that took place at the Hotel Hayam Wuruk involves 810 personnel consisting of 603 207 PCL and PML. Training is divided into five waves, which runs until 10 April.

BPS Chief Terri Ir. Muhammad Wahyudi 2016 SE conveys the intent of this is to obtain basic data from business units or companies engaged in diverse activities, except agriculture. The baseline data collected includes the first, the number of business units or companies by region, business sector and business scale. Second, the value of production or sales or revenues. Thirdly, on the employment data. And the four characteristics and other information. "Such business networks, Internet usage in business activities or online, franchising or franchise systems, business ownership and business classification," said Wahyudi.

While the goal of SE 2016 that first provides basic data business unit or enterprise and business activity outside farming, until a small administration area. Second, prepare maps and sirektori company menengan Large Enterprises (UMB) is complete and terpaduuntuk every district or city. Third, obtaining a population of UMB Small and Micro Enterprises (MSEs) by region or business field. The next survey sample frame the economic field as well as to obtain other information.

The training is expected of the PCL and PML obtain detailed information on the scope of business units or companies located either in permanent buildings such as malls, offices, restaurants, banks and factories. Also in locations that are not as permanent as hawkers and vendors in the market shock. Likewise for roving businesses such as builders snacks and service providers around the circumference, as well as household businesses such as shops, business pulse content and online business.
"Later PCL and PML collect business characteristics from the name of a business or company, business address, year started operation, the status of business entities, mainly for business, networking business, labor, months of work, the business expenses, use of the Internet, the franchise system and the production value or sales, "said Wahyudi.
For smooth activities of the Economic Census 2016, Wahyudi also reminded the court clerk in order to carry out the task to the best of directives BPS. The field officer also need to present a letter of assignment or identification to the respondent or local government officials. Using 2016 SE logo gear such as hats, bags and vests. As well as no less important to pay attention to religious values, customs, manners and always maintain public order.

Officers Training Courses 2016 Economic Census was opened on March 17, 2016 last. Wabup H. Mochamad Arifin Nur who represent Regent Dr. Emil Elestianto Dardak, M.Sc great hopes on the role of field workers SE 2016. Mennurut Wabup, field workers are the heroes of the economy, which is the result of their collection later as a reference of development policy by the government in the economic field.

Wabup ask the court clerk to be more patient and painstaking face various characteristics of the entrepreneur, who may not understand all of the destination SE 2016. The challenge for the field workers could have them ignored or respondents are not serious at the time carried out the data collection. "Do not be surprised if it turns out in the field with many challenges. So I ask this data will constitute the data fit the facts, real data in the field, not just the data in the table only. Because if something goes wrong data will affect the direction of development for our economy," Wabup firmly Arifin. (Titin / radar Terri)
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