March 17, 2021 | Other Activities
Wednesday, March 17, 2021, exactly two weeks after receiving
the first phase of the synovac vaccine, the staff of Trenggalek Regency BPS
received the second phase of the synovac vaccine. Thus the vaccine acceptance
is complete. It is hoped that with the complete receipt of the vaccine, the
staff of Trenggalek Regency BPS will always be healthy and can avoid the corona
Come on, don't be afraid to get vaccinated because vaccines
protect yourself and others.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten TrenggalekJl. Brigjend Soetran
Trenggalek - Jawa Timur
66310 Telp (62-355) 791432
Faks (62-355) 791432
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