June 15, 2021 | BPS Activities
Friends of Data, on Friday, June 11, 2021, at the Kediri Regency BPS meeting room, a Coordination Meeting was held to discuss the SP2020 Long Form, this meeting was attended by 6 Regency/City BPS: Trenggalek Regency BPS, Tulungagung Regency BPS, Kediri Regency BPS, Jombang Regency BPS , BPS Kabupaten Nganjuk, and BPS Kota Kediri.
This meeting was chaired by the Coordinator of the Regional Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis of the BPS East Java Province, who is also the Coordinator of Region V, Mr. Khaerul Agus. The meeting discussed specifically the preparation of the SP2020 Long Form which will be held in September, which includes officer recruitment and training.
Let's support SP2020-LF activities!!
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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