Pajale Productivity (Rice, Corn and Soybean) competition at farmer group level (poktan) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Trenggalek Regency

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Pajale Productivity (Rice, Corn and Soybean) competition at farmer group level (poktan)

Pajale Productivity (Rice, Corn and Soybean) competition at farmer group level (poktan)

July 18, 2022 | Other Activities

In the context of the Pajale Productivity (Rice, Corn and Soybean) competition at the farmer group level (poktan) of Trenggalek Regency organized by the Directorate General of Food Crops, BPS Trenggalek Regency in this case represented by Mr. Khoirul Basori was invited to participate in the activity.
The Pajale Productivity Competition is held using the Tile Method and the tile result data is inputted online with the application provided.
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