Jawa Timur Tourism Developments in July 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Trenggalek Regency

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Jawa Timur Tourism Developments in July 2015

Jawa Timur Tourism Developments in July 2015Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 19, 2015
File Size : 0.28 MB


  • Number of foreign tourists (tourists) who come to Jawa Timur via the entrance Juanda in July 2015 to reach 17 134 visits, up by 14.20 percent compared to the number of foreign tourists in June 2015 that as many as 15 004 visits. Cumulatively, the number of tourists from January to July 2015 to reach 111 263 visits, decreasing by 11.99 percent over the same period the number of foreign tourists in 2014, which reached 126 425 visits
  • In July 2015 the largest Malaysian nationality of foreign tourists, the number reached 2,999 visits, up 43.70 percent, followed by the Chinese nationality 1,495 visits, an increase of 29.55 percent, and as much as 1,118 visits Singapore nationality, down 49.32 percent compared to the month of June 2015.
  • Room occupancy rate (TPK) star in East Java in July 2015 reached 48.20 percent, down 7.56 points from the ROR in June 2015, which reached 55.76 percent. According to the classification of stars, TPK 4 star hotel in July 2015 reached 58.61 percent and was the highest among TPK TPK other five-star hotel. Furthermore TPK 5 for 49.90 percent, followed by a 2 star hotel at 47.08 percent, 3 amounted to 42.04 percent, and a 1 star hotel at 39.14 percent.
  • The average length of stay (RLMT) Foreigners in five-star hotel in July 2015 reached 2.65 days, down by 0.07 points compared with June of 2015 by 2.72 days. To RLMT Indonesia in July 2015 reached 1.97 days, decreasing by 0.34 point compared to the month of June 2015 amounted to 2.31 days. Overall RLMT in July 2015 at 2.00 the day down 0.33 points compared to June 2015 reached 2.33 days.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten TrenggalekJl. Brigjend Soetran

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