Release Date | : | June 6, 2018 |
File Size | : | 0.37 MB |
Jawa Timur Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) in May 2018 rose 0.83 percent from 104.55 to 105.42. The increase in NTP is due to the price index received by farmers (It) has increased higher than the increase in price index paid by farmers (Ib). In May 2018, all agricultural sub-sectors experienced an increase in NTP. Sub-sectors that experienced the largest increase of NTP occurred in fishery sub-sector by 1.39 percent from 110.93 to 112.47, followed by Food Crops sub-sector by 1.34 percent from 103.29 to 104.68, Plantation Crops sub- by 0.57 percent from 103.54 to 104.13, Horticulture sub-sector by 0.53 percent from 100.55 to 101.09 and Livestock sub-sector by 0.53 percent from 109.00 to 109.57.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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Trenggalek - Jawa Timur
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