Development of the Jawa Timur Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Quarter IV-2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Trenggalek Regency

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Development of the Jawa Timur Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Quarter IV-2018

Development of the Jawa Timur Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Quarter IV-2018Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : June 18, 2019
File Size : 0.23 MB


Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) of Jawa Timur province in Quarter IV-2018 was recorded at 113.83 illustrating the economic condition of consumers far better than in Quarter III-2018, because the level of optimism increased 15.9 points compared to the previous quarter which reached 97.93.
It is estimated that ITK of East Java Province in Quarter I-2019 is 111.11 even though it is lower than 2.72 points compared to Quarter IV-2018 but still shows consumer optimism, this illustrates the positive household sentiment towards the initial economic situation in 2019.
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