Exports of Jawa Timur Province in January 2020 were USD 1.80 billion, up 4.24 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Trenggalek Regency

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Exports of Jawa Timur Province in January 2020 were USD 1.80 billion, up 4.24 percent

Exports of Jawa Timur Province in January 2020 were USD 1.80 billion, up 4.24 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 6, 2020
File Size : 0.66 MB


  • The value of Jawa Timur exports in January 2020 reached USD 1.80 billion, an increase of 4.24 percent compared to December 2019. This value when compared to January 2019 increased significantly by 17.85 percent.
  • Non-oil and gas exports in January 2020 reached USD 1.76 billion, up 6.68 percent compared to December 2019. The value compared to January 2019 also increased by 19.31 percent.
  • Oil and gas exports in January 2020 reached USD 33.98 million or decreased by 52.40 percent compared to December 2019. The value also dropped by 28.02 percent when compared to January 2019.
  • The main categories of non-oil and gas exports in January 2020 were Jewelry / Gems totaling USD 407.25 million, followed by copper totaling USD 124.57 million and Timber and Wood Goods totaling USD 108.81 million.
  • The biggest non-oil and gas export destination country in January 2020 was Japan reaching USD 275.79 million (15.63 percent) followed by exports to the United States of USD 220.12 million or with a role of 12.48 percent, and to China amounting to USD 211.51 million (11.99 percent). Non-oil and gas exports to the ASEAN region reached USD 373.82 million or with a contribution of 21.19 percent, while non-oil and gas exports to the European Union reached USD 135.24 million (7.67 percent).
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