The number of foreign tourists to East Java through the Juanda entrance in October increased by 160 percent, while the ROR for star-rated hotels increased by 9.53 points - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Trenggalek Regency

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The number of foreign tourists to East Java through the Juanda entrance in October increased by 160 percent, while the ROR for star-rated hotels increased by 9.53 points

The number of foreign tourists to East Java through the Juanda entrance in October increased by 160 percent, while the ROR for star-rated hotels increased by 9.53 pointsDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 15, 2021
File Size : 0.53 MB


• Foreign tourist visits (tourists) who come to East Java through the Juanda entrance in October 2020 increased by 160 percent compared to the number of foreign tourists visiting in September 2020, from 20 visits to 52 visits.

• The number of foreign tourists visiting in October 2020 decreased by 99.75 percent compared to the number of foreign tourists in the same period in 2019 which reached 20,895 visits.

• During the January - October 2020 period, the most foreign tourists were Malaysian nationals who reached 10,560 visits (with a contribution of 30.32 percent), followed by Singaporean nationals with 3,946 visits (with a contribution of 11.33 percent), and Chinese nationals with 2,291 visits (with a contribution of 6.58 percent).

• Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) of star hotels in East Java in October 2020 reached 42.09 percent, an increase of 9.53 points compared to the previous month. The ROR for 3 (three) star hotels by 45.39 percent is the highest ROR compared to other star hotels.

• The average length of stay of foreign guests (RLMT) at star-rated hotels in October 2020 reached 4.36 or an increase of 0.20 points compared to 4.16 days in September 2020. For the overall RLMT in October 2020 it was 1.50 days or decreased 0.14 points when compared to September 2020 which reached 1.64 days.

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