East Java exports February 2021 amounting to USD 1.70 Billion, or up 11.05 percent; East Java imports February 2021 amounting to USD 1.87 Billion or go up by 6.85 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Trenggalek Regency

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East Java exports February 2021 amounting to USD 1.70 Billion, or up 11.05 percent; East Java imports February 2021 amounting to USD 1.87 Billion or go up by 6.85 percent

East Java exports February 2021 amounting to USD 1.70 Billion, or up 11.05 percent; East Java imports February 2021 amounting to USD 1.87 Billion or go up by 6.85 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 31, 2021
File Size : 0.53 MB


• The export value of East Java in February 2021 reached USD 1.70 billion, an increase of 11.05 percent compared to January 2021. This value compared to February 2020 decreased by 14.46 percent.
• Non-oil and gas exports in February 2021 reached USD 1.51 billion, an increase of 9.13 percent compared to January 2021. This value compared to February 2020 decreased by 20.91 percent.
• Oil and gas exports in February 2021 reached USD 194.57 million, an increase of 28.59 percent compared to January 2021. This value increased by 132.67 percent when compared to February 2020.
• The main categories of non-oil and gas export goods in February 2021 are wood and timber products (HS 44) with a value of USD 132.44 million, followed by animal / vegetable fats and oils (HS 15) with a value of USD 118.24 million, and Copper ( HS 74) with a value of USD 117.81 million.
• Cumulatively, during January - February 2021, exports out of East Java amounted to USD 3.24 billion or decreased by 14.59 percent compared to January - February 2020.
• The largest non-oil and gas export destination country in January - February 2021 was Japan, reaching USD 488.80 million (with a role of 16.92 percent) followed by exports to the United States amounting to USD 481.62 million (with a role of 16.67 percent) and to China amounting to USD 289.57 million (with a role of 10.02 percent). Non-oil and gas exports to the ASEAN region reached USD 561.18 million (with a contribution of 19.42 percent), while non-oil and gas exports to the European Union amounted to USD 264.09 million (with a contribution of 9.14 percent).

• The Import Value of East Java in February 2021 reached USD 1.87 billion, an increase of 6.85 percent compared to January 2021. This figure increased by 16.37 percent compared to February 2020.
• Non-oil and gas imports in February 2021 reached USD 1.53 billion, an increase of 9.92 percent compared to January 2021. The value of non-oil and gas imports increased by 26.25 percent compared to February 2020.
• Oil and gas imports in February 2021 amounted to USD 338.57 million or decreased by 5.15 percent compared to January 2021. Compared to February 2020, this value also decreased by 14.09 percent.
• The main categories of non-oil and gas imports in February 2021 were the Machinery / Mechanical Aircraft (HS 84) goods group amounting to USD 155.29 million, followed by the Iron and Steel goods group (HS 72) valued at USD 139.46 million and the waste goods / The rest of the food industry (HS 23) was USD 130.69 million.
• Cumulatively, during January - February 2021, imports entering East Java amounted to USD 3.62 billion or decreased by 0.27 percent compared to January - February 2020, which was USD 3.63 billion
• The country of origin of the largest non-oil and gas imports during January - February 2021 from China amounted to USD 906.61 million (30.95 percent), followed by the United States at USD 225.70 million (7.71 percent) and imports from Australia amounting to USD 144 , 64 million (4.94 percent). Non-oil and gas imports from the ASEAN group of countries amounted to USD 366.97 million (12.53 percent), while non-oil and gas imports from the European Union reached USD 235.17 million (8.03 percent).

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