In 2020, broad rice harvest of 1.75 million hectares with production amounting to 9.94 million tons of MPD. If converted into rice, rice production on 2020 to reach 5.71 million tons. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Trenggalek Regency

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In 2020, broad rice harvest of 1.75 million hectares with production amounting to 9.94 million tons of MPD. If converted into rice, rice production on 2020 to reach 5.71 million tons.

In 2020, broad rice harvest of 1.75 million hectares with production amounting to 9.94 million tons of MPD. If converted into rice, rice production on 2020 to reach 5.71 million tons.Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 31, 2021
File Size : 1.73 MB


• The rice harvested area in 2020 is 1.75 million hectares, an increase of 51.95 thousand hectares or 3.05 percent compared to 2019 which amounted to 1.7 million hectares.
• Rice production in 2020 was 9.94 million tons of milled dry unhulled rice (GKG), an increase of 363.6 thousand tons or 3.79 percent compared to 2019 which amounted to 9.58 million tons of GKG.
• When viewed from the subround, there was an increase in rice production in the May-August and September-December 2020 subrounds, namely 411.45 thousand tons of GKG (12.68 percent) and 297.92 thousand tons of GKG (16.65 percent, respectively). ) compared to 2019. The decline only occurred in the January-April subround, namely 345.76 thousand tons of GKG (-7.6 percent).
• If converted into rice for the population's food consumption, rice production in 2020 will amount to 5.71 million tons, an increase of 208.87 thousand tons or 5.79 percent compared to 2019 which amounted to 5.5 million tons.
• The potential for rice production in the January-April 2021 subround is estimated at 4.98 million tons of GKG, an increase of 783.04 thousand tons or 18.63 percent compared to the same subround in 2020 which amounted to 4.2 million tons of GKG.
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