December 11, 2014 | BPS Activities
One survey conducted by BPS regularly every year is the National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS). Through
susenas collected data related to the socio-economic conditions of the
community include health conditions, education, fertility, family
planning, housing and other social and economic conditions. Data and indicators of susenas have been widely used and regarded
as one of the crucial evidence that can be useful for planning,
monitoring and evaluation of development programs of the government.
stated in the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN 2010-2014),
there is an increasing need for quality data and information to support
the planning and formulation of evidence-based policy, not only from the
central and local governments, but also from private organizations,
academics and institutions research. In
line with the basic tasks in conducting BPS statistics aims to provide
statistical data are complete, accurate and up to date in order to
realize the National Statistics System is reliable, effective and
efficient, in order to support national development, BPS is committed to
continuing to build its image through quality data services and prime (fast, good, easy and inexpensive) to the user data.
Susenas was first held in 1963, with a focus on data collection consumption / expenditure of households. From
time to time the material scope susenas increasingly numerous and
varied that requires setting cycle (period) time data collection. With
an increasingly important role as a source of data socio-economic and
welfare of the people, then in 1992 BPS doing susenas material
development as well structuring pendataannya time. Topics covered susenas or variables grouped into two (2) categories, called Core and Module. Variables
included Cor category (core) data collected every year, for categorical
variables Module regrouped into three (3) packets, each packet was
collected rotated every three (3) years. The third package is (i) Consumption / expenditures, (ii) Education and Cultural Affairs, and (iii) Health and Housing. Since its development in 1992 until 2010, susenas implemented with
relatively similar pattern, except for an increase in the frequency of
consumption data collection module into every year since 2011.
the needs of the government, especially for the provision of the
poverty level data in a shorter time interval (from the previous once a
year to twice a year or more), then from 2011 BPS to make changes in the
organization of susenas. Important changes in the organization of susenas 2011, and was continued until 2014, are:
1. Data collection was performed 4 (four) times a year, from the previous two (2) times a year.
The consumption data were collected on all census period (to be able to
produce a number of poverty level representative to the district /
city), from previously collected only once a year, except in those years
the consumption module / spending a turn, into 2 (two) times in that year (to produce national and provincial rate).
Because it is widely meterinya coverage, then apart as one of the
important data source for planning and evaluation of the National
Development Program (Propenas) and sectoral programs (Ministry /
Agency), susenas also be the main data source for the provision of
indicators Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
An overview of the current susenas is "full load" is too much data to be collected over a period of enumeration. In
addition to the questionnaire Cor and Consumption Module that has
become a constant load of each enumeration, in one particular quarter
susenas also includes one of the other modules (Modules Education and
Cultural Affairs or Health Module and Housing). The
number of variables (questions) are included in the enumeration susenas
this time, as reflected by the length of the interview, has been a
common complaint susenas officers and respondent (selected households). Saturation of the respondents, especially due to the length of time
the interview, potentially lowering the quality of the data obtained.
BPS commitment to providing quality data (and excellent service), the
bureau deems it necessary to evaluate the implementation of susenas. The
evaluation process has been carried out since the year 2013, among
others, by assessing (i) indicators and trends covered the resulting
data, (ii) susenas governance practices at every stage of activities,
ranging from planning to evaluation of data, and (iii) bulk opinion (discussion) with stakeholders, particularly those responsible for the direct susenas at central and local levels. The evaluation results conclude the need BPS make changes (development) susenas.
Susenas development plan has been discussed in a series of discussions
(rapatrapat) internal BPS, and in the forum "Working Group on
Cooperation Programme" which
consists of a team of BPS, Bappenas and the Ministry / organization, as well as with
technical support and funding from UNICEF. The result of the discussion forum of the Working Group, among others,
concluded that (i) the question in susenas multiple interpretations,
(ii) the methodology and concept definition does not refer to
international standards, and (iii) load / number of questions too heavy /
focus of development activities in 2013 was the preparation of a list
of indicators / statistics will be generated from the upcoming draft
susenas (new susenas), and the preparation of a list of questions
(questionnaire) for data collection. The questionnaire that was developed was Cor, Socio-Cultural and Education Module (MSBP), and Module Health and Housing (MKP). For the questionnaire module Consumption / Expenditures, efforts is simplification.
Susenas development activities resumed in 2014, with
continue the activities that have been carried out in 2013. The focus
of susenas development activities in 2014 was the finalization of the
questionnaires and manuals and conduct tests to see the extent to which
the questionnaire SUSENAS
can only be applied later to the actual data collection. The
draft questionnaire susenas already formulated through discussions and
workshops need to be tested to determine whether the questions were
newly developed can easily be understood by the enumerators and
respondents. Experiments were first carried out in the province of West Java, Bandung City and District, and the second test time
conducted in the province of West Sumatra, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and Maluku. New susenas development results implemented in 2015 with
Considering that 2015 was the first year of the reign of the new
Cabinet, as well as the expiry of the MDGs, which is planned to be
followed by a post-MDG programs, namely the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs).
the results of the evaluation are known also some disadvantages and
difficulties in the implementation of quarterly susenas. The main drawback is the quarterly susenas penyelengggaraan in providing data at the district / city. Estimates of the district / city can only be calculated after the
survey results for the fourth quarter finished processed and merged so
that the data at the district / city can only be released in the second
quarter of next year.
Of a thorough evaluation of the IDHS here are some decisions
Important new susenas plan:
1. Enumeration susenas will be held two (2) times a year, respectively in March and September;
2. Enumeration of March with a large sample size to produce
representative data to the district / city level, enumeration in
September with a small sample size to produce representative data only
for the provincial and national estimates;
3. Each enumeration period using two (2) questionnaire. Enumeration of March using a questionnaire and a questionnaire Cor
Consumption / Expenditures, enumeration in September using a
questionnaire Consumption / Expenditure and questionnaires Module
(Education and Cultural Affairs, Health and Housing, or Social Security)
in accordance pendataannya year cycle;
4. A number of basic variables of the questionnaire Kor should always
collected data on each enumeration period will become part of the
questionnaire material Module ..
With new susenas design as stated in Item 2 above, then
began in 2015 the data at the district / city will be provided in the
together with the implementation of the survey.