Community Behavior Survey During the Covid 19 Pandemic - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Trenggalek Regency

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Community Behavior Survey During the Covid 19 Pandemic

Community Behavior Survey During the Covid 19 Pandemic

July 12, 2021 | BPS Activities

Dear. Mr/Mrs/Mr/i The Central Statistics Agency again held a survey to obtain information on public behavior in this pandemic situation through the online "Survey of Community Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic" from 13-20 July 2021. We ask for your participation in this "Community Behavior Survey During the COVID-19 Pandemic", by filling out a questionnaire via the following link: 
It only takes about 10 minutes to complete. Questions in the survey include people's behavior in the midst of a pandemic and how people respond to pandemic situations. The confidentiality of your answer will be maintained. The survey results can provide important information for the government in dealing with the impact of COVID-19. Note: Please share this survey link to all networks of friends, family, colleagues, and others within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Thank you. #Just at home #TogetherAgainstCorona #BPS Public Relations
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