Trenggalek Regency in Figure 2021 -  is available and can be downloaded here. To get BPS data on Trenggalek Regency please come to the Integrated Statistics Service (PST) of BPS in Trenggalek Regency, BPS Office for Trenggalek Regency, Jl. Brigjend Soetran, Trenggalek, East Java every working day from 08:00 to 15:00 WIB. But during the Covid-19 pandemic it was transferred online via BPS e-mail, Whatsapp chat 081249476727 || For the Complaints Service BPS of Trenggalek Regency, contact us at 081249476727 and during business hours.


Product - News

Knowing about the Thick Hair

Knowing about the Thick Hair

Knowing about the Thick Hair

December 15, 2021 | BPS Activities

Friends of Data, what fruit has the characteristic 'hairy' on the outer surface? Yup, Rambutan or Nephelium lappaceum. At the end of the year (November-December) this is the fruiting season for rambutan, you know! Rambutan is good for consumption because it has various health benefits.
Rambutan is a fruit plant that is included in the horticulture sub-sector. BPS recorded the production of rambutan per year. Data collection was carried out by the Head of the Branch Office/Mantri Tani/Data Collection Officer of the Regency/City Agriculture Service using the estimation method of field observations. Data collection uses the sub-district register and the Horticultural Agricultural Survey entry list. The district/city BPS then processes the data.
Rambutan production in 2020 decreased compared to the previous year. Then, which province will be the province with the most rambutan production in 2020? Let's check the infographic. Friends of Data can also access the website for complete data.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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