Poverty Drops, In Line with Indonesia's Economic Recovery - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Trenggalek Regency

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Poverty Drops, In Line with Indonesia's Economic Recovery

Poverty Drops, In Line with Indonesia's Economic Recovery

July 18, 2022 | Other Activities

In addition to announcing the condition of Indonesia's trade balance which experienced a surplus for 26 consecutive months since May 2020, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) also released the Poverty Profile in Indonesia March 2022 today (15/7).
BPS released the poverty rate in March 2022 which has decreased. “The poverty rate in March 2022 reached 9.54 percent. If the population is calculated, the poor in March was 26.16 million people," said Head of BPS, Margo Yuwono @margo_yuwono in front of reporters. When compared to conditions in September 2021, Indonesia's poor experienced a decrease of 0.17 percentage points or 0.60 percentage points when compared to conditions in March 2021. Poverty data produced by BPS was obtained through the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) conducted every March and September.
"We can see that the economic recovery will have an effect on reducing poverty in 2022. As the economy improves, poverty will decrease," explained Margo. In the first quarter of 2022, Indonesia's economic recovery continued to increase. As an illustration, the Indonesian economy in the first quarter of 2022 grew higher than in the third quarter of 2021. The Open Unemployment Rate in February 2022 decreased by 0.66 percentage points compared to August 2021. Meanwhile, data from the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture shows that the distribution of social assistance, both the Family Hope Program and basic food assistance in March 2022, increased.
The complete Official Statistics News can be downloaded from the bps.go.id website or the BPS Allstats application. @bps_statistics
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