The Developments Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Jawa Timur Quarter - 2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Trenggalek Regency

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The Developments Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Jawa Timur Quarter - 2016

The Developments Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Jawa Timur Quarter - 2016Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : June 13, 2016
File Size : 0.41 MB


  • Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) in Jawa Timur in the first quarter - in 2016 amounted to 105.38 means that the conditions of economic levels of consumers are more optimistic compared to Quarter IV - 2015 reached 102.12, up 3.26 points. The level of optimism was triggered by the decline in fuel prices and electric base rates which occurred in January to March 2016.
  • ITK Jawa Timur Quarter - 2016 is estimated at 109.03 better dibandingTriwulan I - 2016. The increase ITK on approximate Quarter - 2016 allegedly positive impacts begin entry of the fasting month (June) and the summer school holidays. Generally before the fasting month and the school holiday season, increasing economic activity, including household consumption .
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