East Java Economic Growth Quarter II-2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Trenggalek Regency

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East Java Economic Growth Quarter II-2019

East Java Economic Growth Quarter II-2019Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 30, 2020
File Size : 0.57 MB


East Java Economy Quarter II-2019 as measured by Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at current prices reaches IDR 585.29 trillion, while GRDP at constant prices reaches IDR 410.69 trillion.
East Java Economy in Quarter II-2019 when compared to Quarter II-2018 (y-on-y) it grew by 5.72 percent. In terms of production, the highest growth occurred in the Business Field in Providing Accommodation and Food and Drink at 7.89 percent, followed by Company Services at 7.69 percent. In terms of expenditure, the highest growth was in the Non-Provit Institutional Consumption Expenditure Component serving households at 9.64 percent, followed by Foreign Exports at 7.31 percent and Government Consumption Expenses at 6.40 percent.
In q-to-q East Java economy, Quarter II-2019 grew 3.54 percent. From the production side, the highest growth occurred in the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Business Fields of 8.12 percent, followed by Information and Communication at 5.81 percent. In terms of expenditure, the highest growth in the Government Consumption Expenditure Component was 35.87 percent, followed by the Gross Fixed Capital Formation of 5.06 percent.
The economy of East Java until Quarter II-2019 (c-to-c) grew 5.64 percent. In terms of production, the highest growth occurred in the Health Services Business Sector and Social Activities by 7.59 percent, followed by the Provision of Accommodation and Food and Drink at 7.39 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, it was mainly driven by the LNPRT Consumption Expenditure Component which grew by 10.41 percent, followed by overseas exports which grew 5.77 percent.
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