August 2020: Level Unemployment Open (TPT) amounting to 5.84 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Trenggalek Regency

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August 2020: Level Unemployment Open (TPT) amounting to 5.84 percent

Release Date : January 15, 2021
File Size : 2.41 MB


• The total workforce in August 2020 was 22.26 million people, an increase of 396.37 thousand people compared to August 2019. In line with this, the Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) also rose 0.72 points.
• In the latest unemployment, unemployment increased by 466.02 thousand people and TPT increased by 2.02 percentage points to 5.84 percent in August 2020. Judging from the level of education, TPT for Secondary Schools (SMK) still dominates among other education levels, namely by 11.89 percent.
• The total working population of 20.96 million people, a decrease of around 69.65 thousand from August 2019. Employment that has increased the proportion of the working population, especially Agriculture (1.73 percentage points), Trade (0.51 percentage points), and Accommodation and Food and Drink (0.39 percentage points). In fact, the main proportion of employment decreased in the Manufacturing Industry (1.23 percentage points), Construction (0.47 percentage points), and Educational Services (0.39 percentage points).
• The population working in formal activities in August 2020 was 7.62 million people (36.36 percent). In fact, there are 13.34 million people (63.64 percent) working in informal activities. Over the last, proportions
The population working in formal activities decreased by 3 percent.
• In the latest percentage, the proportion of underemployed workers increased by 3.76 percentage points and the proportion of part-time workers increased by 3.01 percentage points
• There are 4.23 million people of working age who have been affected by covid-19 or 13.36 percent, including unemployment due to covid-19 (318.61 thousand people), not the workforce due to covid-19 (112.43 thousand people), not working because of covid-19 (252.57 thousand people), and working residents who experience congestion due to covid-19 (3.55 million people).
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