• The number of workforce in February 2021 was 22.18 million people, a decrease
86.34 thousand compared to August 2020, and decreased by 343.98 thousand people
compared to February 2020. The Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) February 2021 amounted to 69.75 percent.
The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) for February 2021 was 5.17 percent, a
decrease of 0.67 percentage points compared to August 2020, and when
compared to February 2020, it increased by 1.57 percentage points.
• The number of people working in February 2021 was 21.03 million people, an increase
thousand people when compared to August 2020, when compared to February
2020, it decreased by around 679.72 thousand people. The absorption of
labor in February 2021 is still dominated by three main employment
fields, namely Agriculture (32.26 percent), Trade (18.88 percent), and
Manufacturing Industry (15.15 percent).
• The population working in formal activities in February 2021 is 7.78 million
(37.01 percent). When compared to August 2020 (36.36 percent) the
population working in formal activities increased by 0.65 percentage
points, while compared to February 2020 the population working in formal
activities decreased by 1.84 percentage points.
Compared to August 2020, the proportion of underemployed workers in
February 2021 decreased by 0.45 percentage points and the proportion of
part-time workers increased by 1.41 percentage points. When compared to
February 2020 the proportion of underemployed workers increased by 3.51
percent and the proportion of part-time workers increased by 0.96
percentage points
• There are about 3 million people aged affected by covid-19 or
by 9.44 percent. Population affected by covid-19 in February 2021
consisting of 260.23 thousand unemployed due to covid-19; 105.83 thousand people
due to COVID-19; 235.34 thousand people temporarily do not work because
of covid19; and 2.40 million people have experienced a decrease in
working hours due to covid-19.